Question : Cannot access shared folder even with user permission given Win XP Pro

I want to create shared folders between two Windows Xp Pro computers over a home network.  I am able to access folders with permissions set for 'everyone'.  But when I try to only allow a single user, I cannot access it.  BTW - Simple sharing is turned off.  I have a user account on both computers that is exactly the same name and password.  BUT when I try to access that folder with the user access given it says 'You do not have permission. Access is denied.'  

I have a total of five computers running XP Pro and two w/ Win 98SE.  I would like to set up folders on a 'central' computer for storage that only have access for one user. i.e. a folder for each user on the central computer (running Win XP Pro)that can be accessed by the users on the 4 other computers.  

I have already looked through other similar questions on this site, but it still wont work. What is the procedure I need to follow for this to work?

Answer : Cannot access shared folder even with user permission given Win XP Pro

OK, that user has an account on the machiine?
and that account uses the same username and password as on the other machine? (they must match exactly)
and you did not use the deny permissions to the everyone group?
there are two types of permissions share and ntfs, you have to allow on both

did you go thru this link?
It tells you how to do it

Run local security policy editor from control panel admin tools and set the local policy, Network Access: Let everyone permissions apply to anonymous users, to enabled and make sure guest account is enabled

on the XP machine

Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Local Security Policy

Security Settings

Sharing Mode- Change this to "Classic Mode - Local users Authenticate as Themselves" (as opposed to "Guest only" the default model)

this fix will be applied after a restart


from another question
I was poking around in the Local Security Policy settings, under Security Options, I set "Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users" to enabled, and under IP Security Policies, I set it to "respond only" instead of "request security", and now it works

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