Question : Cisco VPN Client and system responce time


I have a problem with Cisco VPN Client. When I'm in my company everything works fast and nice. When I'm using Cisco VPN Client remotelly regartless if it is a 512k or 5Mbps internet connections I always get very long responce time from the system. Starting from opening my documents (folder redirected to network share but also it is a "offline folder"), my computer, everyting. What can be done to make it work faster? I see that things get better when I use csccmd.exe to force offline mode. But when I have to access a network share I do have to make myself online and the problem is back.

Can you suggest something?


Answer : Cisco VPN Client and system responce time

It will reduce them some, but I don't think it will reduce them a whole lot.

A packet capture would show how many you send and receive.  However, over a VPN connection it should not be receiving a whole lot of broadcasts.

If you computers default domain name is the same as AD's domain name you can still just use the host name, but using FQDN would be a bit faster.  Using just the host name your computer will send two name look ups, one with just the host name, then one with your computers domain name appended to the end of the host name.  So you have to wait for the first one to fail before the second one is sent.
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