Question : McAfee Enterprise.

I have McAfee Enterprise Edition (8) and I am looking for info on how to configure this on Windows 2000 server , and have it setup so when the clients are installed they know to get updates from the server. Also the clients are using Novel 6.5 w/ Windows 2000 Pro

Answer : McAfee Enterprise.

If you are using McAffee's ePO you can configure all the machines in your network you set there updates from the same place with out having to go round every machine by using an update policy. Click the group of machines and in the left hand pane there should be a policy tab, here you can set up an update policy.

Otherwise you can go round every machine and open up the virus scan console, click tools and go to edit autoupdate repository list, here you can add a unc path for updates and click off the ftp update sites or just delete them.
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