Question : Netbios programming problem

I've made a litle program using netbios (3.0) which normally can read the network id adapter. I have the following problem when i try to get the id I have the error 0x5 from the netbios this is NB_COMMAND_TIME_OUT. I don't know how to resolv this one.
I give the source.
To use this change by the Ip adress of your machine.

   typedef struct _ASTAT_
      ADAPTER_STATUS adapt;
      NAME_BUFFER    NameBuff [30];
   ASTAT Adapter;  

   void main (void)
      NCB Ncb;
      UCHAR uRetCode;
      memset( &Ncb, 0, sizeof(Ncb) );
      Ncb.ncb_command = NCBRESET;
      uRetCode = Netbios( &Ncb );
      if (uRetCode == 0){
        printf( "The NCBRESET Ok!!\n");
      memset( &Ncb, 0, sizeof (Ncb) );
      Ncb.ncb_command = NCBASTAT;
      strcpy( (char*)Ncb.ncb_callname, );
      Ncb.ncb_buffer = (unsigned char *) &Adapter;
      Ncb.ncb_length = sizeof(Adapter);
      uRetCode = Netbios( &Ncb );
      printf( "The NCBASTAT return code is: 0x%x \n", uRetCode );
      if ( uRetCode == 0 )
         printf( "The Ethernet Number is: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n",
                  Adapter.adapt.adapter_address[5] );

If you have an idea to resolv my problem?
or If you can give me a source to read the ID network adapter I'm very happy.

Best regards,

Answer : Netbios programming problem

You can also look at which is a VB source for getting the MAC address.
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