Question : Sync website to ftp


I've recently migrated from Dreamweaver to Eclipse and the one thing I miss, and the only one is the "upload on save" function.

The FTP host has a problem that disconnects me with a

- Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted

error, since I upload files very often this drives me nuts.

I've set the idle timout to unlimited in filezilla, but it won't help. Same problem when using other FTP programs such LeechFTP.

So for my question.

Is there any FTP apps that can keep sending keep-alive commands and reconnect and stay in the same folders even when disconnected


Is there any plugins for Eclipse that can add the "upload on save" (excepts aptiva)


Is there any free / open source programs / scripts to sync on file change and upload to FTP host, also syncing changed files on any shortcut command would be fine


Can also add that I'm using Windows XP 64

// Tobias

Answer : Sync website to ftp

Sorry, didn't spot the later post, anyway if the remote server supports sftp DeltaCopy may satisfy your needs:
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