Question : how much difference in speed between cable and dsl?

just really, which is the faster one? i already know that if there's a lot of people in the area using cable, it will be slow. but most of the time, which is the better bet?

also, is it possible to set up a network at home such that 2 computers will use both dsl and cable. which means that if one computer is not using the internet, the other will have the combined bandwidth of a cable and dsl?

Answer : how much difference in speed between cable and dsl?

No skin off my back it was a bulletin we received regarding the service and some court battles they faced early on.  Most people consider them an ISP, legally they consider themselves an IAP.
Here's what Webopaedia says(
Short for Internet Access Provider, a company that provides access to the Internet. IAPs generally provide dial-up access through a modem and PPP connection, though companies that offer Internet access with other devices, such as cable modems or wireless connections, could also be considered IAPs.

The terms IAPs and ISP (Internet Service Providers) are often used interchangeably, though some people consider IAPs to be a subset of ISPs. Whereas IAPs offer only Internet access, ISPs may provide additional services, such as leased lines (T-1 or T-3) and Web development. In contrast to both IAPs and ISPs, online services provide their own proprietary content in addition to Internet access.
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