Question : "The page cannot be displayed" in IE

I'm using win 2003.
A lot of the times I get "The page cannot be displayed" in IE.
Trying again the page is found and loaded OK.
How can I tell IE not to quit trying so fast?

The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

Answer : "The page cannot be displayed" in IE

How quickly do you get this message after attempting to go to the site?

You may not be able to.  If you get the message fairly quickly, say a few seconds, it is possible that the Web Server had the maximum number of connections it allows and closed/rejected yours.  If you get the message after a longer bit of time, say 30 seconds, IIRC 30 seconds it the normal time to way for a TCP connection to be estabilshed and I don't think there is a way to change this, unless you change the TCP souce code and re-compile it.  
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