Question : Connect to Mac from PC over internet connection.

On a Mac , you can use Finder->Go->Connect To Server and connect to the IP address from home or wherever if you're not actually connected to the network.

What is the equivilent of this for PCs? I've tried mapping the network using \\\volume but it doesn't connect.

When I was looking through the options in the sharing of the Mac, there was no options for Windows sharing or anything. There was just three options instead of the usual 7+ that I see.

Is there a different way to connect than mapping network from a PC that is equal to Mac's Connect To Server?

Answer : Connect to Mac from PC over internet connection.

You will need to learn about samba.  Samba allows UNIX machine share folders and files with windows machines.  The configuration if fairly easy and once you have everything running you can share files between the two with ease.

If you are trying to access these drives over the internet you will also have to read about opening ports on routers and firewalls in order to allow the connection.

Some links to get you started:

Samba Home Page

Inside Samba: Windows sharing for the MAC

Using Samba with OS X

Good luck.
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