Question : Error 67 mapping drive from XP SP3 (workgroup) to file server (Novell Linux)


I have a Windows XP SP3 computer in a workgroup that access files from drives mapped to a Novell Linux server across the TCP/IP network. I've narrowed the problem down to the workstation itself. I can map the drives in question off any computer, including those not included in the work group. When I attempt to map the drive off the problem computer, I receive a "System Error 67 has occurred. The Network name Can Not Be Found" error.

- I can ping the IP of the file server from the problem computer.
- I can access the web interface of the file server  from the problem computer.
- If I attempt to access the server shares by IP directly (\\\share) I get a "Windows can not find ''" error message.
- I try to browse the workgroup from the problem computer but can only see the shares available from the computer itself. I can not see or access any of the other workgroup computers or shares.

What I have done so far:

- Checked the logs and found nothing.
- Removed the computer from the workgroup and rejoined it.
- Removed and reinstalled the adpapter.
- Set enable NetBIOS of TCP/IP in the advanced properties for the adapter.
- Ran the WinSock Fix tool.

Also of note: The adapter is set to DHCP for addressing and DNS. If I try an ipconfig /release, I get an error stating that "The RPC Server is unavailable" for the adapter.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I'm stumped and the MS KBs didn't help.


Answer : Error 67 mapping drive from XP SP3 (workgroup) to file server (Novell Linux)

Diifficult when that happens. Be sure to run a malware scan as well.
Sometimes files get delete from scanning or are damaged, files
sfc does not pick up or registry keys. A system restore may do it if available.
A repair install may be your ultimate option
if cleaning doesn't solve it.
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