Question : How to determine map usefulness through metadata information for building a gps/avl tracking map w mapx 4
I have a map produced by USGS, i've taken this esri image and translated into a mapINFO tab type file, w the translation software i made sure to keep the output coordinate system the same as the original source file's.
further, i converted this tab layer w/ mapx ver4. into a geoset. I've tested my map
by manually inputting lat/long in dec. notation and it looked good when i plotted a well known landmark reference. however, when i tested another plot w/a handheld gps, my mapping software referenced a waypoint many miles away from its actual location...
my question is, how good or how detailed is this source map? how can i determine this through the metafile info?
i am just getting into this application now for this project so i am really green as to how this all works
1. do i need to somehow georeference more waypoints?
2. I also have an autocad dwg of my area's transportation system, would it be easier to
plug-in a georeferencing app and then convert my dwg to mapinfo TAB?
3. experimenting with this autocad.dwg and a translator, there seems to be
an existing coordinate system "guam-clark66" when i try to merge this coordinate system
into with the original autocad.dwg, an error results....should i leave out
any embedding of coordinate data and plot these manually?
metafile information from USGS map:
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: 144.643923
East Bounding Coordinate: 144.929464
North Bounding Coordinate: 13.589594
South Bounding Coordinate: 13.246359
Local Bounding Coordinates:
Left Bounding Coordinate: 245053.288107
Right Bounding Coordinate: 275650.005205
Bottom Bounding Coordinate: 1465579.772097
Top Bounding Coordinate: 1503292.375720
Spatial Data Organization Information:
Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
Point and Vector Object Information:
ESRI Terms Description:
ESRI Feature Type: Simple
ESRI Feature Geometry: Polyline
ESRI Topology: FALSE
ESRI Feature Count: 7665
Spatial Index: TRUE
Linear Referencing: FALSE
SDTS Terms Description:
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: String
Point and Vector Object Count: 7665
Spatial Reference Information:
Horizontal Coordinate System Definition:
Coordinate System Name:
Geographic Coordinate System Name: GCS_WGS_1984
Projected Coordinate System Name: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_55N
Planar Coordinate Information:
Planar Coordinate Encoding Method: coordinate pair
Planar Distance Units: meters
Coordinate Representation:
Abscissa Resolution: 0.000064
Ordinate Resolution: 0.000064
Grid Coordinate System:
Grid Coordinate System Name: Universal Transverse Mercator
Universal Transverse Mercator:
UTM Zone Number: 55
Transverse Mercator:
Scale Factor at Central Meridian: 0.999600
Longitude of Central Meridian: 147.000000
Latitude of Projection Origin: 0.000000
False Easting: 500000.000000
False Northing: 0.000000
Geodetic Model:
Horizontal Datum Name: D_WGS_1984
Ellipsoid Name: WGS_1984
Semi-major Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 298.257224
thank you!
Answer : How to determine map usefulness through metadata information for building a gps/avl tracking map w mapx 4
You have one file that coordinates system is Clark66 with is NAD 1927 and Then you have a another file that is Geographic Coordinate System Name: GCS_WGS_1984
Projected Coordinate System Name: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_55N
You must convert the second file that is Clark66 to GCS_WGS_1984 UTM ZONE 55N.
That is why you waypoints are so far off.
Set you map extend to this Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: 144.643923
East Bounding Coordinate: 144.929464
North Bounding Coordinate: 13.589594
South Bounding Coordinate: 13.246359
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