Question : I need to use smtp mail settings from one hosting to another one without getting a 553 error?

Here is my situation and I hope it's clear enough:

I just purchased a hosting reseller account where the standard mail accounts (50MB capacity for each) do not offer smtp sending via a Desktop mail application, however the webmail version does work.

I tried to use the smtp settings from another hosting provider I have an account with, to test with Outlook Express with an email address from case A above and got the error message below.
My settings: for incoming mail, I used the information from domain A ( and user information). for outgoing I used the information from domain B (, user information, authentication to an outside server with that email user id and password)

I added a CName smtp record to the DNS of hosting A from the instructions of hosting B and still get the error.

Request: All I want is to have these standard email accounts to be able to send emails from their desktop applications (they are very small in usage limit anyway and are trusted clients), whether I need to buy a general smtp account or permit the use of the smtp email settings of my test account from hosting B.

Code Snippet:
Send test e-mail message: Cannot send the message. Verify the e-mail address in your account properties.  The server responded: 553 Sorry, relaying denied from that From address (#5.7.1)

Answer : I need to use smtp mail settings from one hosting to another one without getting a 553 error?

May be you can use open smtp. Here :
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