Question : Secondary DNS Name on a server


I have a server up and running that is fully working (Server1 for example).  I can browse its shares by using its UNC path.  I am wanted to setup a DNS entry (Server2 for example) that points to the same server IP address.  I have done this, can resolve the IP address, but when I browse to it by the UNC path no shares are shown.  On an odd note is when its browses to "Server2", the explorer window is completely empty and the address bar only shows the server2 instead of \\server2.  If I browse by \\server1, \\server1 is listed in the address bar.

Any suggestions?

Answer : Secondary DNS Name on a server

Are these servers in a domain?  (the same domain)

The DNS name you created for 'Server2':
a) is it a DNS (A) Record to the same IP Address as 'Server1' or
b) is it a DNS (CNAME) to the FQDN of of 'Server1'

Perhaps try Option (b)

Did you disable Strict Name checking in the Registry?
Key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters
Paramater: DisableStrictNameChecking
Value (DWORD): 1

You may also need to set the SPN (Service Principle Name)
setspn -a host/aliasname targetserver
setspn -a host/fqdn targetserver

Have a look at:;en-us;Q281308
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