Question : GFI LANguard reports many open ports.  Are these a security issue?

GFI LANguard reports many open ports.  Are any of these a security issue?

TCP ports - 6 open ports

110[Description: Pop3, If this service is not installed beware could be trojan: ADM worm / Service: Unknown]
135[Description: epmap => DCE endpoint resolution / Service: Unknown]
139[Description: Netbios-ssn, If this service is not installed beware could be trojan: Chode, Nimda, Qaz, Fire HacKer / Service: Unknown]
445[Description: Microsoft-Ds, If this service is not installed beware could be trojan: Nimda / Service: Unknown]
1170[Description: LNSS attendant, If this service is not installed beware could be trojan:Psyber Stream Server , Voice / Service: Unknown]
1433[Description: Microsoft SQL server, If this service is not installed beware could be trojan: Voyager Alpha Force / Service: Unknown]

UDP ports - 7 open ports top

123 [ NTP => Network Time Protocol ]  
137 [ Netbios-NS => Netbios Name Service ]  
138 [ Netbios-DGM => Netbios Datagram Service ]  
445 [ Microsoft CIFS => Common Internet File System ]  
1434 [ ms-sql-m => Microsoft SQL Monitor ]  
1900 [ ssdp => Simple Service Discovery Protocol ]  
1025 [ RPC, Scheduled tasks, If this service is not installed beware could be trojan: KiLo, and others ]  
1032 [ ismserv.exe, If this service is not installed beware could be trojan:Akosch4 ]  

Answer : GFI LANguard reports many open ports.  Are these a security issue?

Does this PC run any services available to others?
Or, are you connected to any external services?

Some of those IP's look a little suspicious, but I didn't dig very deep. There is one using 443 with RackSpace, which could be a secure connection to a virtual server, others in Germany that seem to frequently be related to file sharing/download applications. Just seemed if you do not have any services set up anywhere.

Do you ever run any P2P file share applications for downloading music or other?

You can block the incoming traffic with the Windows Firewall, in control panel. Just enable and un-check any exceptions. Then retest with GFI. I would also run the Spyware application.
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