Question : OSI Model and the internet
Can someone explain to me, using the OSI model, the process that occurs between a client and a server when requesting a web page.
Answer : OSI Model and the internet
7 Application e.g. HTTP, SMTP, SNMP, FTP, Telnet, NFS 6 Presentation e.g. XDR, ASN.1, SMB, AFP 5 Session e.g. ISO 8327 / CCITT X.225, RPC, NetBIOS, ASP 4 Transport e.g. TCP, UDP, RTP, SPX, ATP 3 Network e.g. IP, ICMP, IGMP, X.25, CLNP, ARP, OSPF, RIP, IPX, DDP 2 Data Link e.g. Ethernet, Token ring, PPP, HDLC, Frame relay, ISDN, ATM 1 Physical e.g. electricity, radio, laser
Something quick and simple....