Question : Exchange Server generatin Event ID 9646 every 8 minutes (exactly) for the same user, everyday, all day, only whlie her computer is on.
This is the error that started happening 6/29/09, for ONLY ONE USER, and re-occurs every 8 minutes (EXACTLY 8 minutes). We are using SEP 11 MR1 MP4 (something like that), and it has found no virus on her PC. I also puled her HDD and scanned with Avira, Malwarebytes and F-Secure, all come up with nothing. I also manually searched for viruses and could not find any.
The domain has not been blacklisted, which tells me there is no virus, and there is something else i'm missing. Im running out of ideas. The end-user says they are not sending out mass e-mails, and checking the tracking database, he/she is correct.
The error is below (remember, this repeats every 8 minutes (to the second) from the time she logs in, to the time she leaves.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeIS
Event Category: General
Event ID: 9646
Date: 7/7/2009
Time: 5:29:00 PM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER
Mapi session "/o=DOMAIN/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=827
9" exceeded the maximum of 250 objects of type "objtMessage".
For more information, click
Management does not like these errors, and wants them gone pronto. Thank you in advance.
Answer : Exchange Server generatin Event ID 9646 every 8 minutes (exactly) for the same user, everyday, all day, only whlie her computer is on.
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