Question : Adding Office .ADM templates in group policy
I am creating a policy for some 2000 machines i am going to roll out. I already have a policy in place for another dept that has office2000 admin templates but i did not set this policy up so i do not know where these files are on my system. I am trying to add in the office templates (word9.adm, excel9.adm, office9.adm...etc). into group policy and am having a hard time locating the files i need to do this. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I think I need the office 2000 tool kit. I d/l'd it but was unable to find what i needed. I am trying to get rid of NEW OFFICE DOCUMENT, OPEN OFFICE DOCUMENT AND SET PROGRAM ACCESS AND DEFAULTS, off the users start menu. Any help would eb appricated.
Answer : Adding Office .ADM templates in group policy
The whole stuff is here: Microsoft Office 2000 resource Kit Toolbox http://www.microsoft.com/office/ork/2000/appndx/toolbox.htm
And here's the Resource Kit, including the templates: Office Resource Kit core tool set - updated April 20, 2000 http://www.microsoft.com/office/ork/2000/appndx/toolbox.htm#orktools
Outlook 2000 SR-1a Security Update Administrative Tools http://www.microsoft.com/office/ork/2000/appndx/toolbox.htm#secupd
The other possibility is to go to the SysVol folder on one of your DCs, and someplace under there, you'll find the directories where the GPOs are stored (can't look for the exact path at the moment, but you'll probably find it). A copy of the .adm files used is kept with the GPOs. It might just take you some time to find the correct directories. You can try a search for the files in question downward of the sysvol folder, and it should come up with something.