Question : Grouping 3 DSL connection

 actually, having only one DSL is not enough. Instead of going with a T1, which is like $1k/month and since SDSL is not available where we are located, i would like to get 3-4 DSL connection and split each connection to specific computers on the network. It's 15 to 20 computers network, there is laptop, we have Windows 2000 Server and Active Directory.

Now, is there a way i can set a router that would manage all connections for each DSL. What should i get? How much would it cost approx. ?

By doing that, i will get enough speed on the internet and will limit the cost a T1 is by half of it, that's why i am trying to know how it could be possible.

Thanks alot in advance.

Answer : Grouping 3 DSL connection

Using the quad-WAN router as outlined above, each user would be routed to the most available internet connection.  Therefore, if someone was uploading, the next user would be routed to a different internet connection (whether they are in the same 'group' or not).

I'm not sure what the benefit would be of grouping the users as users could still have trouble accessing the internet if someone in their group is uploading.  However, if that is the way you want to set things up, I would suggest that you use a more basic router for each connection (depending on how many you need, it might even be cheaper than the quad-WAN router).  Each router will then have it's own network IP and you can group users by configuring their workstation to use the IP of the connection you select for them as the default gateway for that workstation.
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