Question : NT Server 4.0 access IntranetWare 4.11 using TCP/IP
I am currently having one Windows NT Server 4.0 and one IntranetWare 4.11. I understand that this two server can communicate through ipx/spx, however, I would like to have these two server to commnucation with each other through TCP/IP. This is to say that my NT Server should be able to access certain file on the IntranetWare server (though GUI).
I have hear about NDS for NT, but what protocol does it use. So can anybody help me out on as to how can I let my Windows NT server 4.0 accessing the IntranetWare 4.11 through TCP/IP.
Answer : NT Server 4.0 access IntranetWare 4.11 using TCP/IP
When it is only nessacery that yr. clients only run TCP/IP than install on yr. nt-Server the Gateway Services for Netware.
With this you can map drives on the Netware server and share them for yr. NT Clients on your NT-Server. But with this you have to run IPX on the NT-Server.
The support from Novell for IP is not very comfortable.
Maybe with MOAB (Netware 5.0) you can also easy access yr. Netware server from a TCP/IP Client..