Question : LinkSys NAT Problems

Hi guys,

I got some routing issues that needs to be figured out. The scenario is like this....

Internet -> Netgear (192.168.0.X) -> 4 DHCP Clients
                                                  -> 1 DHCP Client for Linksys (WAN port) -> 192.168.1.x network -> 5 DHCP Clients.

Both routers are running DHCP servers.

Without configuring any static routes, the clients from Linksys network are able to ping all Linksys clients + Netgear clients + Internet host / ip address. The clients from the Netgear network are not able to ping any hosts on the Linksys network. Tried adding a static route to the Linksys network from the Netgear router but that dont work either. Seems to me the lower level clients (Linksys) are able to communicate with higher level clients (Netgear + Internet) but not vice versa. I know there's some issues with the NAT thingy. Also, one computer has 2 NICS and both NICS are connected to the Linksys + Netgear router.

Whats the best solution to enable all clients to be able to communicate with each other (both ways) without using expensive equipment. The DHCP servers is a must due to some SIP phones that will not work perfectly if DHCP is not enabled. Also, the PC with 2 NICS is available for disposal if that PC can solve the problems. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.

Answer : LinkSys NAT Problems

What you need to do are:

1) Set the WAN port of the Linksys to static IP, not DHCP. Example
2) Add a route at the netgear 192.168.1.x mask gateway 3) At the linksys, enable it as a router, not gateway. And disable Block WAN request.
4) Make sure your linksys gateway is pointing to the netgear.

Please post here if you need more specified details on doing these.

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