Question : Wireless network access policy

Currently we do not have any wireless nertwork access available for our corporate users. We have no WAP's in our offices and for the most part the wireless card is disabled on most laptops. We are running a Win2k3 AD/WinXP clients.

In the near future we are looking to rollout out a companywide wireless solution. We are looking at a business class product (i.e. not linksys, belkin, etc). Before we decide to move forward with the wireless setup we figured that it may be good to get some acceptable usage/support policies determined.

A few questions I have are
1. What are the risks that users are opened to with having wireless enabled and or connecting to a non company network (this is more for when the laptops are out of our building)
2. Where do you draw the line as far as supporting users once they are trying to connect to non company resources. Do you provide basic support or none at all?
3. Do you have any kind of user training or user agreement that the user must accept?

I know this isnt an issue specific to our business so I am just looking for some information as to how you are handling this. Any reccomendations pitfalls etc. Pass along some of your experiences implementing a company wide wireless solution to me


Answer : Wireless network access policy

As far as support goes, I give limited support to my users (ie, if I can't talk them through a connection, I won't be traveling to help them connect)
I make sure that all laptops have up to date virus protection and that the firewall is set to restrictive through the wireless. All users are required to sign off on acceptable use as well as security policies.
Hope this helps.
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