Question : Mail server / Firewall

I am using a windows box with a free program called MAIL ENABLE
I got it from
.. I love that place :-)

I have it behind a personal little d link home router/firewall
I want to know what ports to forward outside of 110 and 25 tcp/udp
I have those two ports forwarded and it still dosent work. but if I remove
the d-link 604 from the picture, it works fine.
little frustrating, but I am sure it is some simple thing probably.
or maybe some really complicated thing
also, what other free mail servers are good ?
I started in on this oriley book about sendmail, and it just canned the linux mail server bit.
that is over 1050 pages big !!!
I dont need to invest that much time into reading a stupid book to make a linux mail server.
i would love to have a linux mail server of my own, but I cannot wade thru all that stuff.

any help with the above issues would be great!
I love this place.!!!

Answer : Mail server / Firewall

If you have DSL, ISDN, or Cable, there is a good chance that port 25 is blocked both inbound and/or outbound to prevent malicous people from spamming the world.  If you are serious, you may need to buy a Business connection.
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