Question : RDP Black Screen after login.

I have an environment where I have about 12 users who access their workstations remote via RDP. Everything was working fine until this one workstation started acting up. The workstation that it happend to just so happens to be one of the owners and uses it around the clock.

Every 2nd or 3rd morning this issue occurs:
You can successfully RDP to the workstation, it goes fullscreen and you can see the NT Logon screen of the actual Workstaion. The mouse works just fine, You type in the user credentials then the second you log in the RDP session just blacks out. The whole screen goes black. Now we service these workstations with Log Me In as well, when I attempt to use Log Me In, even Log Me In has issues and will not display the screen it says "The terminal Display is inactive". I am still able to restart services without remote viewing and I tried restarting the Log Me In service, nothing. I can reboot the workstation and then it works fine for a day or two and does the same thing.

I REALLY don't want to reformat. It was working fine for months then all of a sudden did this. Any ideas?

Answer : RDP Black Screen after login.

Everytime I see it, is because the sessions has gotten corrupted in some way.  If you were using a real Terminal Server instead of the users RDP'ing into their own workstations you wuld just go into the TS Manager MMC and reset their session.   Since this is a workstation you will probably have to restart the workstation.

You REALLY need to be doing this with a Terminal Server instead of workstations so it is actually "managable".
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