Question : No Greeting From Remote Host

Below is a list of errors that a client has been recieving. The emails at one point were coming through. At one point it seems a client machine on the network had a virus and starting sending out emials through port 25. I created an exception under our firewall to only allow email from our exchange server. It seems maybe after shutting down the port that this started happening. Maybe not? We also run Symantec spam protection on the exchange side and I also have inteligent message filtering turned out at a scl level of 9.  Any suggestions on how to track this down and get the emails that were coming through to again be recievable?

This is an informative message sent by

The server was not able to deliver your email message

  Subject: Re: March Ad
  Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 13:57:30 -0600

to the following addresses:

  .com> ( No greeting from remote host)

This is an informative message sent by

The server was not able to deliver your mail message

  Subject: Re: Reschedule Envisionit
  Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 18:29:00 -0600

to the following addresses:

  .com> ( No greeting from remote host)

This is just a temporary error. The server will continue to attempt to deliver the message. If the message cannot be delivered in the defined time limit you will be informed again.
This is an informative message sent by

The server was not able to deliver your email message

  Subject: Re: Reschedule Envisionit
  Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 18:29:00 -0600

to the following addresses:

  .com> ( No greeting from remote host)

Answer : No Greeting From Remote Host

I have been trying to recieve emails from this particular group for some time, some of them come through and some do not. What am I missing here?
Here is more info on the Trace Route. My server is, public IP is

C:\Documents and Settings\joshy.ACCOUNTING>tracert
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
 1    20 ms     7 ms     4 ms
 2     8 ms    10 ms     5 ms [65
 3     5 ms     6 ms    11 ms []
 4    44 ms    13 ms     6 ms []
 5     5 ms     6 ms     5 ms []
 6     6 ms     7 ms     5 ms []
 7     6 ms     6 ms     5 ms []
 8     6 ms     7 ms     6 ms []
 9     6 ms     6 ms     5 ms []
 10    6 ms     8 ms     5 ms
 11    7 ms     8 ms     6 ms [
 12    16 ms    19 ms    23 ms
 13    *        *        *     Request timed out.
 14    *        *        *     Request timed out.
 15    *        *        *     Request timed out.
 16    *        *        *     Request timed out.
 17    *        *        *     Request timed out.
 18    *        *        *     Request timed out.
 19 ^C

I posted this request automatically using the "Request Attention" feature.
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