Question : Start up web hosting

Starting a web hosting company and would LOVE any and all input as to:
- equipment:
- OS's
- Interfaces
- scripts for automating: account creation, recurring payments, domain name registration.
- stuff I haven't mentioned but need to be aware of.

I have done ALOT of research so far and have many ideas as to each of the above.  However, with my budget being so tight I wanted to try to minimize my "trial and error" period by relying on others experience.

I know that some will just tell me to farm this out.  Although I understand where you're coming from I want to do this myself.

Thanks very much for any input as well as time spent with this question.


Answer : Start up web hosting

Sorry for multiple posts....

IIS has a couple of security flaws in its functionality set.....I

Essential functionality;
ASP Support
PHP v5 support
ISAPI Rewrite support
Frontpage extensions
Random Solutions  
programming4us programming4us