Question : Is there a way to allow hunting for inbound calls from a Comcast PBX to asterisk?

We just had 6 lines installed by Comcast which provided us with a small PBX device to do the hunting.  However, when I setup hunting it does not work with asterisk, because asterisk is not sending a busy signal back to the PBX and the device doesn't see the line as unavailable. I have disabled call waiting and enabled forwarding to the next line but can't get it to work.  It would seem the only options would be to

1) disable hunting and allow asterisk to do it (but I don't know how or if I can)
2) have asterisk maintain the line as in use so that the comcast pbx can hunt to the next line in the group.  

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Answer : Is there a way to allow hunting for inbound calls from a Comcast PBX to asterisk?

You will need to edit the zaptel configuration file as this contains the settings to setup the card itself. The configuration file is normally /etc/zaptel.conf.
It will probably contain a like like "fxsks=1-4" to setup the first 4 channels. Change the 4 to a 8 and the first 8 channels will be setup. Stopping asterisk, running ztcfg, editing zapata.conf and then restarting asterisk should get it working.

You can run 'ztcfg -t -vvv' to tell you what it things it should be setting to card up as.
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