Question : Exchange client app cannot logon

I Have an outlook user who cannot logon.  DC authenticates and let's user logon to domain.  Internet and Intranet work.  Clients system can resolve email servers name.  I can telnet into mail server and ehlo via command line OK without a problem.

I tried doing a windows repair (inplace upgrade - win 2kSP4). Nope.
Tried repairing office. Nope.  Tried uninstalling and re installing office. Nope.
Tried restarting the netlogon service throughout the process. Nope.

Kind of an emergency situation...   What's next?  Thanks in advance!

Answer : Exchange client app cannot logon

After you reinstalled office, did it recreate the Outlook profile - ie did you have to go through the setup wizard again?
If not, remove the Outlook profile using the Mail Control Panel applet and recreate. Problems in the Outlook profile can survive a reinstall.

Does it follow the user? If not, then it may also be a Windows profile issue. Login to the workstation as an admin (but not the user) and rename the profile directory in Documents and Settings. Log back in as the user and set everything up again.

If that doesn't fix it and it doesn't follow the user to another machine then there is only one other course - the machine will have to wiped. I give machines 30 minutes to be fixed before I wipe them.

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