Question : Can I delete all tmp files safely?

Stupid question & I am pretty cretain the answer is yes but just to be clear....

I have an Exchange 2000 server that I am cleaning up & noticed that there is close to 60MB of tmp files in the Winnt\Temp folder.  Am I able to safely delete these files?

Answer : Can I delete all tmp files safely?

Well most of the times it is safe to delete the files in the temp folder but some of them can be in use while ur logged in and Windows wont let you delete those files. You an delete those files from a DOS prompt for sure. You might also wanna look under the "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp" folder or whatever User you login under instead of the Admin folder. That has a lot more files and then you might wanna defrag your system to improve speed and efficiency.

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