Question : List printers in Active directory

I have a printer that is shared and I enabled the list in the directory check box.

so, where can I find this printer in the AD?

I tried to create a new printer in AD, and gave it a path , but when I hit OK, I receive a message 'this printer can't be published, to publsih printer on w2000, use the printers folder'

any idea why I can't create it through AD console?


Answer : List printers in Active directory

Hi again,

You do not need to create a new printer in your AD since you checked the "list in the directory" ckeckbox.

Just no stay on track I will go over your question step by step

* I have a printer that is shared and I enabled the list in the directory check box.
so, where can I find this printer in the AD?

-->> In your AD environment on your Domain Controller

* I tried to create a new printer in AD, and gave it a path , but when I hit OK, I receive a message 'this printer can't be published, to publsih printer on w2000, use the printers folder'

-->> Where are you adding this printer? In a standard OU or one you created yourself, e.g. My Printers OU.

* any idea why I can't create it through AD console?

-->> Not really exept a wrong path but you do not need to create your printers, the publish checkbox dous this for you. Do a search in your AD for printer objects, when your AD search gives you the printer move it to the correct OU.

What I mean with a search in your AD is:
Login to the server
Open your AD users and computers console
Right click your top-level-domain (the root of your domain) e.g. my-network.local
Click find
In the find field select Printers
Make sure the In: field points to your Root-domain
Then search and all your shared and pubished printers should appear
Then move them to the correct OU

Hope this helps you a little,

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