Question : Can't connect to SMTP server from inside home network

This has me stumped. I have 3 pc's on my home network. We all share internet access through a Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router. 2 are connected via wireless and mine is connected directly into the router (cat5). All the pc's can get on the net and everything works, ftp, telnet ect... everything except outgoing mail. None of the machines on the network can send mail via SMTP port 25. Oddly, you can check and download your mail (pop). That being said I recently upgraded the firmware on the Linksys router to the latest rev. Because I hadn't sent mail from my machine in a weeek or so I can't pin this problem on the upgrade (although suspect). So far here is what I have tried...I have verified that the smtp server is operating normally on the mail server I use (which incedenntally is mine), I have rebooted both the cable modem and the router numerous times, I have reset the router to it's default settings, I have opened port 25 and 110 in the router, I have removed the router from the equation and gone straight through the cable modem, I have made sure that the firewall is disabled in XP (I don't have any other firewall software running...only McAfee AV Pro with firewall disabled). Each time I tried any of these potential solutions I went to each machine and tried to send mail and got the same error ( I also tried different mail apps)
Task ' - Sending' reported error (0x80042109) : 'Outlook is unable to connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).' Yes the email settings are configured correctly. I tried replacing the domain name with the ip in the "SMTP Server Config". I also tried sending through other mail servers and get the same results. Can anyone thing of anything else I can try to fix this mess?
I apologize for the unorganized way this was presented but as I remember all I have tried I type it...;-)

Answer : Can't connect to SMTP server from inside home network

simple test:

From one of your computers hooked DIRECTLY to your firewall, open a command prompt and type:

telnet "yourmailservers IP" 25

example telnet 25

if you do not get ANY response, and you are sure that your mail server is working and that you do not have any routing issues, more than likely your ISP is blocking all SMTP traffic that is not destined to thier mail server. (this is becoming more common for non-business broadband accounts.

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