Question : warning "name in zip file repeated"

I have 04 foders that I want to zip into one folder
wzzip  c:\backup\07302004\  c:\backup\07302004\clsinc07302004  c:\backup\07302004\clsshare07302004  c:\backup\07302004\tuc07302004  c:\backup\07302004\users07302004

when I run this batch file the following error shows up:
warning "name in zip file repeated"

warninig " First Full name: c:\backup\07302004\clsshare07302004\cls.dbf"
warninig " Second  Full name: c:\backup\07302004\clsinc07302004\cls.dbf"

So, is there anyway to add a switch either to overwrite or ignore the cls.dbf file ???

Any help?


Answer : warning "name in zip file repeated"

It shopuld have worked. Anyways, you can try combining it with the r option as in

wzzip -rp c:\backup\07302004\  c:\backup\07302004\clsinc07302004  c:\backup\07302004\clsshare07302004  c:\backup\07302004\tuc07302004  c:\backup\07302004\users07302004

Hope I have been of some help.
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