Question : All Domain User Accounts Locked - Including Admin

The title says it all...
Every account on the domain is locked out. I can not get in to unlock any of them.
This is a NT4.0 domain.

My primary concern is How do i get in so that i may unlock the accounts?

THis is urgent for me, so i am giving as many points as i can.


Answer : All Domain User Accounts Locked - Including Admin

pull the cat-5, run the nix boot disks, get back in, and asess the situation (network cable still unplugged).  If you're compromised, you better reformat/reinstall, and don't restore executable files from backup media.  If you were r00t3d by someone good, you're done if you do.  If it was some other reason for getting locked out (human error or a stupid script kiddie pseudo-r00ting you w/ no backdoors), then you're in good shape simply booting the disks I mewntioned previously.....checking start/all programs/administrative tools/event logs/ or settings/control panel/event log/ once back in would definately be worthwhole tho.  If you enen have ONE hair stand up safing "this is an attack" you better follow Deb's advice and pull the ethernet plug before going farther.  If you've been r00ted you better plan on a reformat/reinstall.  If I r00ted your NT system, you wouldn't see *my* processes in task manager and I would be free to do whatever I wanted as user: SYSTEM..  Safe mode or not.
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