Question : Cannot remote desktop after creating a VPN connection

I recently logged in from my home office PC (XP Pro) via Remote Desktop to machine A in domain A.
While on Machine A I created a VPN connection to domain B.  As soon as the VPN connected I lost my remote desktop connection.  I believe the reason why this happened is that the IP address for machine A changed once the VPN was created.  So how do I terminate the VPN connection since I no longer can access machine A.  Is the only solution a reboot of machine A? How can I find out its new IP address?

I am able to create a VPN to domain B from my home PC so is there a way I can terminate the VPN connection from a machine B in domain B? Or at least find out the new IP address for machine A so that I can reconnect via remote desktop?



Answer : Cannot remote desktop after creating a VPN connection

Your remote desktop connection dropped because when you VPN'ed to the other network, you effectively removed the computer from the network it was a part of when you first connected to it.

Your only way to terminate that computer's VPN connection is to gain physical access to it and terminate it, connect to the new network it's on (via the VPN) and remote desktop into it and kill the VPN connection, or possibly reboot it by connecting to the network it's VPN'ed into and opening a command prompt and running a

shutdown /r /m \\computerName /f

Though you may have to replace \\computerName with the IP it has on that network.

Good luck!

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