Question : DNS Issue on SBS 2008


I have an issue that is driving me batty.  I have one domain that I cannot send email to due to a 4.4.0 DNS Query error.  I have checked my DNS settings over and over and cannot seem to figure out what is going on.  I cannot seem to find another domain that is having this same issue.  Nslookup will find the domain's mx record after a DNS restart one time but then will timeout after that every time.  If I restart the DNS server, it will look it up once again, only to then timeout after that also.

I have added secure dynamic updates to the zone.  I am not a DNS expert but I can't seem to solve this issue.

Any ideas?

Answer : DNS Issue on SBS 2008

If the domain you're having communication issues with is a remote domain (outside of your own organization), you should not need to add or change any records on your DNS servers.  Your internal DNS servers should be configured to forward requests for external ISP's DNS servers for resolution.

If you want to provide the remote domain's name, we could help troubleshoot connectivity/resolution or you could also contact your ISP for assistance.

Hope this helps...

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