Question : vpn tunnels to watch us based website contents

Dear Sir ,
                there are many us based websites when we play the contents in it,  it shows error that " ONLY US BASED VIWERS CAN SEE THE CONTENTS " is there any way  through which we can create any VPN tunnel and we can watch these websites ?
or is it possible that we can buy any us based servers through which we can loginto our system and watch these website contents .
kindly advice

Answer : vpn tunnels to watch us based website contents

I have a web server.   The server is a linux box.  It runs openSSH for me to login (very standard on any remote web server)

When I wish to have my IP come from that location as opposed to where I am
I run putty (google it) if I am in windows or ssh in linux/apple
I tunnel a port 8080 through the ssh tunnel (think of it as a VPN)
then I set my web browser up to go to proxy
All traffic then goes into this tunnel and emerges at the other end.
This is very easy to set up (Google "tunnel through ssh")
If your application (most web browsers and IMs etc) supports socks proxy you can do it just like that.  If it only supports http proxy then you need to install one more app on your remote host.  A http proxy (google "squid proxy")

The only thing to check is how much bandwidth before you start getting charged.
If it is lots or better still unlimited then you are free to watch away :)
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