Question : How Can I Trace a Private IP for an Unknown Host?

Is there a way to determine which device on the network is using a certain IP Address if there is no Host Name available to the IP Scanner?

Answer : How Can I Trace a Private IP for an Unknown Host?

on a windows machine:

1. ping ip_address
2. arp -a ip_address

Step 2 gives you the MAC address (physical address) of the device that is using the ip-address.
A MAC address is programmed into the ethernet device by the manufacturer/vendor of that device.

Using google search terms:
mac address lookup

you can find webservices that can find the vendor for a given MAC-adress

3. enter the MAC address from step 2 into one of the webservices

Now you have the vendor of the ehternet device that using the ip-address. Sometimes this is enough to identify it, sometimes not.

Other things to try to identify the device:

1. ping -a ip_address
2. visit http://ip_address using a web-browser
3. visit https://ip_address using a web-browser
4. telnet ip_address
5. putty ip_address

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