Question : Can't access client xp pro shares from win2k domain server

I have used Look@lan for some time.  Recenlty,  my server's HDD boot sector got messed up.  I was able to recover from that through a boot-sector repair utility.

The network is up and running except that from the server I am not able to access the XP Pro client shares.  When I go to My Network Places on the server>>Entire Network and dbl-clk the domain icon and then dbl-clk one of the client pcs, it says, "\\clientpc1 is not accessible. Network path was not found."

I have scanned EE for a possible solution and also have checked through AD  on the server but am not able to determine why the client pcs are not accessible.

Heres my net:  

1.      win2k server domain is running with 4 client pcs with a Linksys router (wireless-g) and a 3Com hub with clients pcs connected to it.
2.      A cat5 cable from the hub to the router.
3.      DHCP done by the server
4.      I can ping to/from server/client pcs.
5.      In the server My Computer/Network Place shows the client pcs.
6.      When I dbl-click a client pc I get the msg \\clientpc1 not accessible. Network path was not found.
7.      I have Look@lan set to scan to
8.      It lists my server but no client pcs.
9.      Client pcs can access Internet.
10.      Client pcs can access net printer.

Any ideas?

Answer : Can't access client xp pro shares from win2k domain server

have you already tried to logout and relog from one of the client pcs to see if A.D. authentication is up and working ?
Can you also try to access the share by entering the IP adress of the pc like \\192.x.x.10\myshare  from a command prompt ?
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