Question : How to quickly search Lotus Notes for a telephone number using C#

I am looking for some help in finding a quick solution to being able to search a Notes view for a telephone number and then displaying the document. The application is a "screen popping" application which is intended to show the person answering a telephone call who they are talking to BEFORE they answer it, hence the need for a fast searching mechanism.

I have found some sample code on code project that uses the Domino Interop and searches a view but this iterates over every doument then inturn iterates over every item to find a match all done client side which I think is just going to be too slow on all but the smallest of databases. THis is also going to drag the entire contents of the view over the network for every telephone call placing a very large load on the network.

Does anyone have any ideas.
Many Thanks in advance.

Answer : How to quickly search Lotus Notes for a telephone number using C#

The view is the fastest (but you can't modify the database)
A full-text search is the next candidate, it requires a simple action by the Administrator of the Domino server.
A db.Search always works, but is slow, and not a proper candidate when the database is queried often)
The import is always possible, your system will even work when the server is down, and you apparently already have the mechanism...
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