Question : Script to Add Users to Local Group Remotely
I'm looking for a script (vbs or kixtart) that would allow me to remotely add each user to the local Power Users group on their W2K workstation. Anybody have one they're willing to share? Thanks, ssherbin
Answer : Script to Add Users to Local Group Remotely
Not really... the "run as" feature would require you to expose the Administrators password in the script. If that's OK with you... then they're no need to go any futher.
Another answer is to modify the script to find all of the PC that are on the network. Cycle thru each one, figure out the current user, then apply the script. Admittantly, you'd have to run it several time to get 'em all (they'll always be somebody on leave with their PC turned off).
Down-side to this plan is the detection of the current user... if somebody is "wandering" and is logged onto somebody else's PC... So, how about this idea.. you create a text file that has a list of all PC names and the account name you want to use for that PC. The file would look like this:
pcname001,smithj pcname002,doej
The script below will parse this list, and apply the changes to the groups. (BTW: I haven't run/debugged the script, so there might be typo)
Dim objs, obj Dim wsh, Cmd, i, buf, RemotePC dim fso, ts, AcctList(600), PCList(600), skip, list
' read a text file with "PC,Acct" set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") list = 0 set ts = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\somepath\somefile.txt", 1) do while not ts.atendofstream buf = ts.readline i = instr(buf, ",") PCList(list) = mid(buf, 1, i-1) AcctList(list) = mid(buf, i+1) list = list +1 loop end if
' execute the "Net View" command Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") set Cmd = wsh.Exec("Net View /Domain:" & RESOURCE_DOMAIN) wscript.sleep 100
' read the output and parse the computer names do while Not Cmd.StdOut.AtEndOfStream buf = cmd.stdout.readline if left(buf, 2) = "\\" then i = instr(buf, " ") RemotePC = mid(buf, 3, i-3) skip = true for i = 0 to list -1 if ucase(RemotePC) = ucase(PCList(i)) then skip = false exit for end if next if not skip then Set Group = GetObject("WinNT://" & RemotePC & "/Power Users,Group") Group.add("WinNT://" & ACCT_DOMAIN & "/" & AcctList(i) & ",User") Group.Set end if
end if loop