Question : Workgroups and Domains

I'm sure this is a pretty common question but mine has a twist. I have a domain with a name let's say DOMAIN-A
Then I have a workgroup with name WORKGROUP B. The reason B is only a workgroup is because there's no server connecting them. What I would like to do is be able to see these computers from the NT4 server that is the PDC for DOMAIN-A. I know I can get to each by using the "net use machinename adminloging adminpasswd" but this is too much trouble. So what do I need to do? I know one solution would be to put a Server on WORKGROUP-B and thereby turn it into a domain, but this is the costly solution. I also know that SAMBA for linux could be used, but I've heard that only the development version. So that would be the risky solution. Is there a good compromise between, let's say using the release version of Samba, or by setting something up in Windows?

Answer : Workgroups and Domains

Lets get this straight - MICROSOFT TCP/IP includes a built-in NetBIOS interface.

You can remove it by removing NetBIOS in network control panel, but then you wouldn't be able to log on as MS relies on NetBIOS to carry SMBs around.

UNIX + OS/2 install NetBIOS over TCP/IP as an optional interface.

>Browsing lists are not replicated over >slow links.

They are if you don't configure the registry not to !

>1. By using the lmhosts file what do I >achieve? Do I get a browsing list or >not?

No.  Browse lists are seperate from NetBIOS name resolution, but it makes sense to have LMHOSTS / WINS so that if you click on one of the resources in NetHood, it resolves to an IP address so you can communicate with it.

>2.What can I do besides putting them >on the SAME domain?

Have 2 seperate ones ?

>3.Won't a PDC(or Samba as PDC) on >WorgroupA and trusting/trusted domains >solve the problem.

Yes.  It will make machines appear in NetHood.

>4. Please explain the term subnet.

A subnet is a group of IP addresses that can communicate with each other without the need for a router.
eg - the addresses, with a subnet mask of, are all contained within one subnet.

> WorkgroupA and DOMAIN A have a >different Class C IP's, so I'm >guessing that would make them be on a >separate subnet. If I'd like to keep >it that way,
>is it true that I WILL need a PDC for >the workgroup, and will that solve my >access problem?

This is ONLY because they're on different subnets.
To put machines in your NetHood, either put all machines on the same subnet, or install a PDC on your workgroup subnet to collate the browse list from the subnet and talk to other domain master browsers to make sure they all have up to date lists.

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