Question : Load balancer and internet failover for home use?

What is a good load balancer for home use?

I would like to have two ISP connections to my house:

* Cable (Fast, but very unreliable.. and can be out for days)
* DSL (Slow, but solid as a rock... touch wood!)

I would like a simple box that has 3 ethernet ports, 2 for the ISP connections, and 1 for my WiFi router. It should have the following features:

* Load balance to use BOTH internet connections to full capacity. Keep in mind that they will be running different speeds, so it needs to be traffic aware and intelligent when it decides which network to use. Round-robin or % based configurations just seem very primitive to me.

* Seamless failover when one of the ISP's goes down, and seamless restore when the ISP comes back up. It would be nice if it e-mailed me when one does go down, so that I can call the ISP and get it fixed.

* Compatible with a VPN for when I connect to my work

* RELIABLE... I've read a lot of info on boxes with great features, but no reliability.

Secondary considerations are:

* Small size
* Good looking
* Web interface to check stats, etc.

Is there anything that's good for the home user, isn't overly complex, and doesn't cost the earth?

Answer : Load balancer and internet failover for home use?

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