Question : How Do I Convert an Email Attachment from Tiff to PDF?

O/S: CentOS
Using: Sendmail

The goal is to convert incoming email attachments from Tiff to PDF. We were able to modify a Perl script that will strip out the attachment, and place it in a directory. We can then run "tiff2pdf" and convert the attachment. The problem is how do we then reattach to the original email, and send it on to its destination? Is this the best route? Is there a way to modify the attachment without removing it, and then send it on its way?

The Process Should Be as Follows:
1. Intercept the email on the server (Used Procmail to match for tiff attachments)
2. Convert the attachment
3. Send it to the original destination

Answer : How Do I Convert an Email Attachment from Tiff to PDF?

It looks as if MimeDefang is what I can use to modify the attachment, and send it on its way. Do you have any idea how I can implement that?
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