Question : No internet connection on Wireless networking

Dear Experts,

I'm having a problem with my home wireless networking. Here is the scenario:

The ADSL connected through BEC 5102 ADSL modem + router having WRT54Gv4 as a wireless access point configured as below.

BEC 5102 --- RJ45 --- COMPUTER1
BEC 5102 --- RJ45 --- COMPUTER2
BEC 5102 --- RJ45 --- COMPUTER3
BEC 5102 --- RJ45 --- WRT54Gv4 --- WLAN --- NOTEBOOK1

The problem is I could not access any website on the Notebook1 when connected via WLAN. However, using RJ45 is working fine. Also, I couldn't access the web configuration of both BEC 5102 and WRT54Gv4 either using wired or wireless connection. The addresses I've tried so far were for WRT54Gv4 and, for BEC.

Please give me some advices how do I fix the WLAN issue.

Note that when connected to WLAN connection. The DHCP is working fine. I can receive the IP address, DNS, Gateway, etc.. just like connecting via Wired but the only thing is the internet doesn't work.

Answer : No internet connection on Wireless networking

you should be able to access the wrtg config (at if you are hard wired to it.  Did you ever set it up properly, with a new password, and the wireless settings you desired, including security (WPA)?  If not, disconnect it from the BEC, wire into it with your laptop to one of it's LAN ports, not the Internet port, and set it up the way you desire. turning off DHCP, only one router should handle the dhcp and normally that's the first one in line,
If you still can't get into the wrtg, maybe someone else changed the password before you got into it. You might need to do a reset to get it back to default settings.
Fastest instructions on setting up two routers on one network.

Also I'm confused by this Local Area Connection 5 - Your not getting a good IP address from that connection.
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : 115.84.x.x

        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
That IP address isn't in your range of dhcp clients,
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