Question : 3com 8250 dead

I have a 3com 8250 Wireless Access Point with firmware version: 3.2.0
I tryed upgrade to the 3.3.1 version and the upgrade tool send me a window message: "upgrade failed", then I conect by ssh and type "show version" then the answer is 3.2.0.
I reboot the access point with 'reset board' and now i can't connect by any mode (ssh, http) but i have ip connection,  i have ping with it.

Can Anybody help me?,  how can i reset de device? the bottom betwen lights do nothing

Answer : 3com 8250 dead

Hold the reset button in for 15  to 20 seconds, this should make the device reload nvram.
Make sure you can ping it.
If the utility still cannot see it, reset the device again and try using tftp to load the firmware.

Download the firmware and save it to a location you can remember ( Example: Create a folder named "routerfirmware" on "c:\")
Click Start
Click Run
Enter in the Open input dialog: cmd
Click OK
The Command Prompt will appear
Type in: tftp -i put *       (Put your router IP and the * is where you saved your firmware; Example: c:\routerfirmware\3comfirmware.bin (if it is a bin file)
If it looks like the firmware loaded, the router may reboot, if not, power cycle it and try to connect to the web interface.
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