Question : Upgrade Domino to 64 bit Program Files

Hi All,
I have purchased new server hardware and 64bit OS for our Lotus Domino 8.5.01 environment.

I have installed Domino 64bit version, and was wondering how I migrate the existing server over.

( previously when both the old and new server was 32bit I would install Lotus Domino on the new machine and then paste the old server files over the top! )

I am thinking I cannot do it quite that easily this time as the old is 32bit the new 64bit?  Do I just paste the data folders, notes.ini and file across?

Any pointers? Experiences?

Kind Regards

Answer : Upgrade Domino to 64 bit Program Files

Yeah it is all you need to do. You need to paste and copy over .nsf files and .ini (these are the binary files). and paste the .ini (this is already a text file).

Let me clear things out further. Domino is available for several different platforms. This is the only platform dependent part of Domino. Some platforms have different MSB firs or LSB first and even using different character encoding schemes EBCIDIC vs ASCII. But whatever the native paltform supports this is not reflected in the contents of .nsf files. So you can use any .nsf file built in any domino platform to another platform without a problem. Furthermore that is domino code executed over the platform but then the data in .nsf files are interpreted by domino they are not "executed" in binary format they are only interpreted.

You're welcome. I hope this helps.

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