Question : dsl & cable load balanced static ip web server

I've got a customer with a web server that they'd like to put online at their house.

They also have a domain name for the web server.

How can I setup failover protection/load balancing with a dsl and cable internet connection?  What I'm not sure about is how to setup the domain name to point to 2 different static ip address for the server.

I want the web server to stay up and have people able to connect even if the dsl line goes down.....or the cable line goes down.

Thanks for any help.

Answer : dsl & cable load balanced static ip web server

You need several things:
If you have a firewall router (zywall USG f.e. ) with two WAN interfaces in failover mode.
You need a DYNdns name to point to the active link (Zywall can do that for you)
Their domain name needs to be a CNAME to the DYNdns name

Then the Domain name will allways refer to the active link within minutes.
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