Question : Dial up over eventual SIP lines?

We had a local phone company run a fiber line into our building for internet purposes.  In addition to this, they converted our old POTS lines and pbx over to the fiber via a channel bank.  Shortly after doing this, voice calls are fine, but our ability to use dial up is disrupted.  We currently use dial up modems to communicate with old equipment our clients have across the country.  When we dial, we can reach the target modem, but the handshake is weird and then hangs.  I called our local phone company and explained the situation.  They informed me that their provider.. Qwest... is providing them service using SIP lines.  As a test, they temporarily moved some of our lines over to AT&T, who is another provider to them.  When they did that, the modems worked fine.  Now our local phone company does not want to route us through ATT because it costs alot more than the SIP lines from Qwest.  Qwest keeps wanting me to test this and test that, do lines traps, etc, because the believe it "should" work for our dial up.  My question is:  Are we wasting our time trying to get dial up to work over lines that eventually travel over SIP lines, and if so, why specifically?  We are using modems that use V.92 protocols.  Thanks.

Answer : Dial up over eventual SIP lines?

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