Question : Advanced Syslog Software

Ok I have been using Kiwi Syslog and I like it but I want a little bit more.  I want to be able to break down the message text as such,

02-08-2006      21:21:50      Local4.Info      Feb 09 2006 11:12:34: %PIX-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 265873 for outside: to inside: duration 0:02:22 bytes 258

Now I want this to break down the Message Text so that I can sort by outside IP and inside IP and also by what port is being attacked to communicated thru.  Is there a syslog program out there that does this.  I am currently using a PIX 501 router.

Answer : Advanced Syslog Software

I think if you have an account with Cisco you can use there "output interpreter".

You may also try here:

you may look at products like FireGen and NetTracker as well depending on the money you want to spend.
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