Question : How can you configure DHCP to assign different DNS server addresses to different computers

I would like to use Open DNS for the content filtering options it provides free of charge. I have a LAN with 2 DNS servers with about 65 clients. I know I can easily change the fowarders on the primary dns server to point to Open DNS for DNS instead of my ISP and it will work fine. The problem is that I have to exclude the upper management from the filtering. Currently all clients obtain IP info automatically through DHCP. Is there any possible way to configure DHCP to hand out different DNS server settings to specific computers? My idea is to change the fowarders on one DNS server to stay with our current unfiltered ISP. This will be the DNS server for the management. The second server will contain the fowarders for Open DNS and filter internet content for all other employees.

Answer : How can you configure DHCP to assign different DNS server addresses to different computers

That is where you need to know the MAC addresses of the NICs and make a reservation on the second scope.

As mentioned at the start it was theoretical idea as I had never tried this and don't had a test server at the moment to test it out.
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