Question : Cable Modem

I am trying to figure out to increase my upload speed.  I have Cisco uBR900 Series cable modem.  My ISP is Cox Communication.

Answer : Cable Modem

Otta's first answer was the right one, you can't really do anything yourself to change your upload speed. Your ISP may have told you that you can get 128kb upload speed but that doesn't mean anything. In theory they are correct, you *CAN* get that upload speed as long as your setup is the same as theirs. You must take a whole lot of things into consideration when checking your upload speed. Here are a few.

Your computer - Depending on what spec computer you have WILL effect the speed of your downloads.

Your Network card or USB port - Again which do you use ? Most cable modems will connect via USB or RJ45

Time of Day - if your trying to upload at peak times then its gonna be slower

ISP's users in your area - If there are a lot of users in your area then your access will be slower

Condition of your "local loop" - If the cable lines that were installed into your home are quite old then you may have a slight signal loss, when your cable modem was installed you probably had an engineer come and do a signal check on your line, all the check involves is sending a small signal down the line and waiting for it to return. If it returns without *too* much signal loss they will install the modem.

Distance you are from the headend - If your living quite far away from the main headend then you may get slight signal loss. This is because every so often the signal needs to be amplified, the more times the signal is amplified the more dropped packets you may pick up which will result in your computer having to either send or receive the packet again.

When your isp setup its network they probably did at test from a computer located in the same building as the main headend or one very close. Their *local loop* is gonna be brand new and will have no signal loss. They won't be going through any amplifiers. They probably did this test when they first started up in which case there would be very few users about.

You should email your isp or phone their tech support line and ask them why you don't get your 128Kb upload.

Btw 128Kb = 128 Kilo BITS which = around 15 Kilo Bytes / second

There are a few patches about to change MTU values and stuff check out these sites

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Hope this helps


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