Question : Cisco Unity Express 3.2.1 Auto Attend Script need to edit

We need to change our Company's existing AA script from (welcome to ABC if you know the extension number of your party please dial it now (extension starts from 101 to 199) or HOLD for Reception) to
(Welcome to ABC if you know the extension number of your party please dial it now or press '2' for Sales or press '3' for Leasing or HOLD for Reception.)
Since we are not able to get in touch with the guy who edited the script it would be grateful if anybody can help me on this.
Unfortunately not able to attach .aef file on EE!!!
Is there any way I can attach the existing Script here?

Note: I tried to edit with Cisco CUE Editor 3.2.1 but no luck.
And another thing I need to mention that Our company policy doesn't allow to change press '0' for reception so only HOLD for reception is possible.


Answer : Cisco Unity Express 3.2.1 Auto Attend Script need to edit

good news,
I changed OUR CURRENT AA script with Cisco CUE Editor 3.2.1 and ADDED Press 2 for Sales, Press 3 For Leasing and HOLD for Reception. Also Caller can dial by extension number of User.

Thanks to all who contributed in this Question.

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